Sunday, September 30, 2007

The noise at work won't let you concentrate? Try the rain...

For some time already I was looking for some monotonous music to listen at work, when the voices and the noises around make it more difficult to concentrate. The problem was that most music either had words, wasn't monotonous enough by some other criteria, or was too slow and made me fall asleep pretty fast. In In any case I either fell asleep or lost concentration in an even worse manner - instead of at least trying to concentrate albeit the voices around, I just started to listen to the music.

Today, the noise really got me frustrated, and I caught myself thinking how nice it would be if the fan would do more noise. Aha! Who needs songs?! I can download an .mp3 containing just noise and listen to it while working! So I downloaded a file with some computer generated white noise...

Well... it was awful to listen to. But on that very site (called the Free Sound Project) suddenly I've seen a link to rain noise. This was it. It was so darn nice to hear some rain falling and some thunders exploding in the skies, especially on the verge of October, when it's still so hot here (not hot enough for an A/C, but a fan is a must).

If you have the same problem, I recommend:
Ok, that's it.

P.S.1. Seems that I do formulate it for an audience... Well, as long as it doesn't take me much extra time, let it be.

P.S.2. I think I'll try to sleep with it too...

A few introductory words

I decided to open a blog to track some of my thoughts. The question I'm asking myself is, why post these thoughts online? I don't have any urge that people will read them, so why bother?

I mainly do so in order to have a place to organize them, and to track progress in various skills (such as cooking). More as a result than as a goal, someone may Google-up something that might interest him/her.

Ok, let's start then...